Occassional comments regarding personal observations.
How I seez tings!
Published on February 17, 2004 By Jurgens In Welcome
Today is February 17th, 2004

Bush supporters are nervous and Kerry seems to be gaining the nomination. So it looks like those two will square off in November.

The country seems polarized more evenly than I can recall.

Why Kerry? I don't know. I cannot put my finger on anything that sets him apart from the crowd. It appears as if he is emerging due more to anti-Bush forces gathering around him. What has Bush done to make so many so angry?

In my eyes, Bush has done a solid job of leading America in lieu of 9/11, the economy and restoring honor to the role of POTUS. I certainly do not agree with all of the spending increases, which have been somewhat focused, but still very widespread. He has yet to veto any spending Bill.

I am more afraid of Kerry, who is not what he appears to be. He is aloof and not down to earth as say a John Edwards. Edwards too scares me because of his role in obtaining large settlements through lawsuits. Nice job, but what are the long term effects? Here in NJ we have lost large numbers of obstetric doctors, primarily due to increased insurance rates made possible only through laws suits being settled at extremely high values. Are we better off?

Back to Kerry. Tereasa Hienz is his wife. What are her motives? Somehow she seems bent upon becoming first lady. Does it matter? Yes, that woman doesn't seem interested in much beyond gaining power. The Clinton's too sought out power. They still have too much in my book.

I am concerned about the direction our country might take if the anti-bush forces sieze the power they are after. Thankfully, the election will not be as close as some fear. Time between now and November will provide much evidence to soilidify Bush's second term.
on Feb 18, 2004
Bush is doing just fine. Kerry is just having his day in the sun right now but it will be very short lived. GCJ